Doing it different since 1981.

Category: Weeknotes

  • Bullet-point Update 0212

    Jackson Browne “The Pretender” (Live from Home)

  • Weeknotes – Week 38

    πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ While I sincerely doubt that anybody sent out any Internet Search Parties on my behalf, but for approximately the past four-and-a-half weeks we had been taking part in our annual self-imposed social media break. Typically we aim for a month, sometimes it goes for little longer and this year it was. It is worth…

  • Weeknotes – Week 33

    πŸ—“οΈ Last week we almost dropped the ball and posted our Weeknotes post a day late, and excused that by saying “better late than never” but we know that is not good enough of an excuse. Must demand better of myself. πŸ“± To be honest, I do not use Obsidian on my phone as much…

  • Weeknotes – Week 32

    This week will be a breeze due to the fact that I haven’t had any days off since our last Weeknotes post. This is due to the fact that I requested off this upcoming weekend to take my cousin’s senior pictures. πŸŽ“ When I started my photography gig, I rejoined the major corporate silos because…

  • Weeknotes – Week 31

    We’ve made it to another Weeknotes! The weather is still hot and heavy up here in Wisconsin, we lost a couple of days to the heat, but made good headway in a couple different departments. Lets go! πŸ’‚ Over this past weekend, I brought with me my camera to work with the intention of running…

  • Weeknotes v2.0 – Week 30 – “Genesis”

    I have been on the fence about getting onboard with the idea of doing #WeekNotes. This is due in part that the format many of the people I see doing these follow the same sort of format I used to use on my blog back in the day when I was a WordPress user on…

  • Weeknotes – Week 6

    As detailed in an earlier post today, the wind had been sucked out of our sails a bit regarding publishing things online.  In that way, this Week 6 Link Drop will make up for a bit of lost time. The Beautiful Web Music Digital Blasphemy Releases The Obsidianverse YouTube Videos In the Beginning There Was Man…

  • Weeknotes – Week 2

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke Seems like everywhere the mouse and keyboard took me this week somewhere on the page artificial intelligence was mentioned. Seeing video titles on YouTube: β€œTop 10 Business Ideas to Start with ChatGPT”. Seeing as many AI-assisted Obsidian plugins come down the line as I…

  • Weeknotes – Week 1

    The holidays have come and gone. Was all that time and money you scurried eagerly to get accomplished before the morning of December 25th worth all the effort, or did it fall short of your expectations? There is only one thing to do now, keep moving forward. Time during the holidays, moments spent with those…

  • Weeknotes – Week 52

    Obsidian πŸ’œ We spend a lot of time talking about the newest plugins and whatever OpenAI is doing while so many of the established plugins and their changes need more light. Searching for a theme My writing vault has it’s own Style Settings, Minimal Theme Settings and Appearance settings set in such a way that…

  • Weeknotes – Week 51

    Abbreviated length and depth as lots of time has been dedicated to getting ready for the holiday this past week. The same can be expected for next as this year winds down to a close. Top of the list, how you doing on your 40 Questions? Digital Blasphemy released Class M. Napkin did a Public…

  • Weeknotes – Week 50

    What a crazy week! Obsidian canvas, Reader by Readwise and more Tana, oh my! Let’s get after it. Got an invite to Reader by Readwise. Not sure exactly how they want to be addressed. Reader, Reader by Readwise, Readwise Reader. During the onboarding process they mention apps you may have used and if you have…

  • Weeknotes – Week 49

    Not sure what happened last week. Still getting used to abiding by a routine. Lets get after it. Finally broke down and bought a LOT of Hue bulbs. If you don’t fuck around with Mint, or if you fuck around with advanced spreadsheets that are way too complicated as you get older, consider giving Rocket…

  • Weeknotes – Week 47

    The biggest and probably most important thing this week is launching. A space setup after so many fled Twitter. This bad boys focused on all the personal knowledge management stuff a person could ask for and most of the important people of that space are on there. We have added backing up Raindrop and…

  • Weeknotes – Week 42

    Obsidian πŸ’œ Examples using Templater More neat mentions: YouTube Links Obsidian October talks week 3: Use Plugin Settings + Creating theme for Obsidian 1.0 Metadata Menu 0.2.9 – better select and file fields Is Tana The Right App For You? | Tana VS… (Notion – Roam/Logseq – Obsidian – Todoist) Looks like Santi has been…

  • Weeknotes – Week 38

    This week, we will take a closer look at a couple of the β€œNew in Community Plugins” mentioned in the latest edition of the Obsidian Roundup. We will focus on those that have already passed through code review and are available under the Community Plugins tab, as some users are a bit leary of using…