Doing it different since 1981.

Music for Jackson

Tracks that I hope you already know or should will live on this playlist. Any relative notes about the music will be listed below.


Damien Jurado – Seattle. Someone well worth your time deep diving. YouTube search results and his official YT page. He’s also got a lot of stuff on Bandcamp. Lastly his page. Lincoln is just one of his seemingly endless pile of music. His entire body of work is worth a once-over and you’ll be replacing your favorite song of his over and over again each time you hear something new.

Trent Reznor/NIN – Trent Reznor is Nine Inch Nails. They were definitely an influence on music while I was growing up, but like so many other bands, I didn’t get into his music until I was in college. His music was labeled as “industrial” at the time, but it’s definitely all over the place. He’ll have an ambient track with pianos and strings and then another with a drum-machine going into overdrive. It all has a point tho. His albums are called “HALOS” and they released in a very specific order and they all had their own numbers. He was interesting about his approach to distributing music, because he was at his prime when music was transitioning to digital and he was at the forefront of embracing that notion.

TOOL – three minutes into “Bottom” you’ll know why you were sent here. The Drummer also interlaced the Fibonacci sequence into the drums of “Lateralus” More of that here and here.

Source link for the YouTube playlist