on TikTok

When I look at the Sims 4 cover, I sometimes wonder if it shouldn’t really be called “The United States” and China is playing us.

These kids at my work are legitimately brainwashed by the TikTok platform. It is their search engine. It is their Google. No logic. No debate.

I remember back in the 90s, our elders worried we would fuck everything up. I am seriously hoping this is just that, but I see no boundaries in place. This are getting out of hand.

Our kids already can’t keep a train of thought to save their lives, nevermind being without a device. What is the plan for four to six years of exposure to TikTok on the younger generation, when AI is much more saturated into the platform moreso than it already is.

I’m worried. Not enough people are worried.


Loosely-related YouTube videos

Childhood 2.0

Creepy Line


Doing it different since 1981.