Weeknotes – Week 33

πŸ—“οΈ Last week we almost dropped the ball and posted our Weeknotes post a day late, and excused that by saying “better late than never” but we know that is not good enough of an excuse. Must demand better of myself.

πŸ“± To be honest, I do not use Obsidian on my phone as much as an avid fanboy of the app that I am. It’s almost exclusively used as a reference tool while I’m on the go. But after only a couple of days of the app not being open, there are usually quite a few changes in the vault. I’ve always kept my screen set to fall asleep after a fairly short amount of time and that always was an issue when I’d just want to let the phone sit there and let Obsidian sync. I came up with a very hacky workaround to get that accomplished with minimal interaction on my end.

Shortcut goes like this:

  • Open Obsidian
  • Wait 72 seconds
  • Turn volume to 50%
  • Wait 72 seconds
  • Turn volume to 25%
  • Wait 72 seconds
  • Turn volume to 50%
  • Wait 72 seconds
  • Turn volume to 25%

This typically allocates Obsidian enough time to sync up so I’m never looking at an outdated page.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ I went to the other side of my store and bought a bunch of glass containers for prepped food ingredients so walking into the kitchen to fire off an order would be as easy as it was back in our Chef days. You pick up all sorts of quirky food behaviors working in kitchens for several years, as such, I refuse to store food in any thing other than glass. Not having glass containers was one of the hurdles I justified to myself for not eating. I know it’s stupid but I’m trying to get over it. I’ve ate consistently almost every single day since last week.

πŸ“Έ Took my cousin’s senior photos on Saturday in the upscale downtown area of Wauwatosa. Got some really good shots and had a strange interaction with a homeless guy who almost got violent with his Mother. For several moments I thought that I would be spending the day in jail, but the guy was really easy to talk off the ledge and calm down. I went back later that day to see if he was in the area, so I could have talked with him further and maybe gone to get something to eat, but he was nowhere to be found. Now the crushing weight of Darktable and post-production.

πŸŽ’ The new Wandrd bag is amazing! Finally I have something that can carry all my gear if I’m so inclined. I can’t say enough good things about the build quality. The orange pops loud and hard. I’ve seen a couple people do double-takes of it because it’s so wildly different to any color I might be wearing at the time. It’s large in capacity but not in appearance, I didn’t feel awkward walking around downtown Milwaukee with it one bit. It sat so comfortably that you do not notice the weight of the contents. They really did think about everything when they made this bad boy.

πŸ’° Read an article that said your house shouldn’t cost more than two to two and half times what you make annually.

πŸ’§ Raindrop was set to renew in a weeks time. I wanted to change my payment method and consolidate all my subscriptions services onto a single credit card, but, for whatever reason I kept getting pushed thru this weird loop where it would just push be back to my profile page. I spent about ten minutes trying to get it done. Tried Chrome, tried Firefox, nothing worked. So I just canceled my account instead. They don’t need my money that bad. I really did like Raindrops highlighting feature, but I’ll manage. I’ve also started to use Obsidian as sort of an unorthodox bookmark service because almost everything has a page inside of the vault already anyhow.

☁️ For about 18 hours now, I’ve had one of my workspaces dedicated to keeping a Chrome window open uploading some 36,000 RAW files to SmugMug. I kept telling myself that I would “organize them better” before uploading them, but knowing me the way I do, I know this is a great way to all the sudden go two years without backing anything up. It’s currently hovering the mid 19,000’s right now.

πŸ‘Ÿ Someone who was at my Sister’s wedding in North Carolina, good comrade of my brother-in-law has offered to take the wrong Vivobarefoot shoes I got sent to me. I’ll be able to sleep better now knowing they’ll have a good home. And not just a good home, one where the owner was actually curious about delving into the barefoot shoe realm as well!

πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ We closed down the shop today and worked until 7PM. Had my gear with me and shot over to Fox Brook Park after work to get sunset photos with the wide-angle. Came home and unwound a bit and had some “half-caf” Torke coffee and then made some dinner. Sauteed tenderloin, organic cx thighs, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, onion, red yellow orange bell pepper. One big bowl of happiness. I fired those Brussels sprouts until they charred black. It was amazing. I’ll wake up starving, which is even better. But that wont be before I go for a 23:30 night ride on the Trek. Time to get after it. When I get home I’ll do some skullcrushers with the kettlebells, have a Molk and go to bed.

Weekly Metadata

Lens that got the most activity this week: 100mm f2.8 L

Top Five ActivityWatch Applications: Brave, Obsidian, Darktable, Telegram, VS Code (Todoist was mere seconds behind VS Code)

Rotated SomaFM channels this week

Top 5 Artists

  • Xander.
  • Federico Albanese
  • Akira the Don & Jocko Willink
  • Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
  • Akira the Done & David Goggins

Top 5 Albums

  • Before and Now Seems Infinite – Federico Albanese
  • The Boatmans Call – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
  • Goggins – Akira the Done & David Goggins
  • Blissful Dreams – Lofi Girl compilation
  • Get Some – Akira the Don & Jocko Willink

Top 5 Tracks

  • “Shadow Land, Pt. 1” Federico Albanese
  • “Brompton Oratory” Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
  • “People Ain’t No Good” Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
  • “From Suffering” Akira The Don & David Goggins
  • “The Governor” Akira The Don & David Goggins

That is all for now. I gave up on spelling and grammar checks to prove my humanity. I may come back at a later time and add links.

It is currently Tuesday, August 15, 2023 23:35 , have a great rest of the week! 🌸

This weeks quote comes from a scribbling I saw on the red lighthouse in Milwaukee back in 2019:

A life without meaning is a life full of opportunity.


Top Track – Week 33

“Shadow Land, Pt. 1” by Federico Albanese

Weekshots – Week 33

more random iPhone photos from the last seven days

Weekshots Week 33


Doing it different since 1981.