in response to “Being an Email Subscriber Butterfly Gives Me Inbox Peace — Please Don’t Take It Personally”

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Comment 1

I have unsubscribed to almost all PKM feeds I was subscribed too because I have come to the conclusion that my usage of Obsidian was too far removed from most of those in the PKM community. I also fear that AI is going to wipe out entirely most of what we know of PKM as today. Back at the turn of the millennia when I first found an app called RedNotebook, then Zim, then fell in love with Evernote, then fell in love with DynaList, then Obsidian, then Roam, then back to Obsidian — the intention the entire time was to build a sort of modern day commonplace book. A place where I can reference before I turn to the web. A place to store very private information like my credit card numbers, and a deeply connected, sophisticated network of daily notes that serve their purpose far beyond anything DayOne could ever have hoped to achieve, despite it’s very appealing metadata. Something I can leave behind for my children. Something they might make use of. Somewhere deep in my fascination with Obsidian I got caught up in the whole PKM realm. This became apparent to me when everything was all abuzz about Tana. I was guilty too of wanting to gain access, but for no real reason. Obsidian solves all my problems and then some and it’s as portable as keys and a wallet. Tana was the opposite of everything Obsidian was, but I still wanted in. That’s when I knew I was in too deep.

I’ve always found incredible value from your content and appreciate the way you view the world. From sketch notes that makes me wish I drew more to the paper saver notebooks. I also deeply admire how strict you are on not being tempted by all those fancy Obsidian plugins.

I’m not sure I’m going to renew my subscription on Medium later this year or not. Putting the two up next to each other, the big upside with SubStack is the entire content comes thru on email whereas Medium always wants you on their site. I hate their login process so much! They should read some of those articles on their site about how great passkeys are! 😂

Enough from the American! Have a great day!

Well done you for keeping a backup of your comment! I’m thankful it’s returned. Masked email has been problematic for me, too.


Comment 2

I write all my comments in my writing vault in Obsidian as I have found I am a lot more intentional with what I say and it also leads to me not commenting a lot because something I feel like I just chime to engage. There is no value to comments like that, so I’ve tried to step away from it.


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