Breaking Up or Making Up? My Q3 Subscription Showdown

The first of the Q3 bills start in the first days of August. In fact, all of the subscriptions due for renewal during Q3 are in August.

๐Ÿค˜ 1Password Renewing without question. The passkey things is incredible and I hope they pioneer more major players to adopt it into their authentication protocols. Important shit like banks and unimportant stuff like Amazon. They’re quickly becoming a real serious player in stack of things that help me get things done. Which is odd because I was with LastPass for what seems like an eternity and then spent a couple years with Bitwarden. I think it’s because on my mileage it’s given me the best mobile experience. And, like Todoist, it’s one of the few applications where if you didn’t know what operating system you were on, it looks and feels the same. They also get monster points for building stuff for Linux. Penguin love is always appreciated and preferred. Mobile < Desktop for me all day.

๐Ÿ‘ Renewing because we’ve decided to end our several-year-long relationship with Pinboard.

๐Ÿ‘ Rocket Money Renewing because we’re still super grateful about how much they’ve negotiated lower prices for things on my behalf. I don’t really use it as much as I used to, but that’s got almost everything to do with the fact that when I remember that I need to verify with a code on my phone in order to use the website, I just don’t do it. I’m old school in that I prefer to do things on my desktop computer. Not the biggest fan of apps that way, but it is what it is. Another benefit, and a huge factor in keeping it going is that lovely Auto-Pilot savings with the adjustable “aggressiveness”. I’m ashamed and also grateful to say that I’ve saved the most money in my life, per week, with Rocket Money than I ever have in my life.

๐Ÿ‘ Readwise To be honest if “early adopters” were not Grandfathered in to the introductory price, I’d probably drop my flag and leave. Since they added Reader, and all this fancy “AI lemme read this for you” stuff, I feel like the price will dramatically increase. I get more accustomed to using it a proper read-later service so I’m staying put this year. I still find it ironic that Reader came out twenty four hours after I started a subscription to Inoreader, but that’s a different type of rant.

๐Ÿ‘Ž Medium Medium is getting the axe. I’ve fallen completely out of the PKM loop, most Medium articles feel like they’re written for the platform or pure monetary gain. And you just don’t know who is actually writing anything anymore or letting AI do it for them. I hope the web readops the idea of webrings and we go back to finding websites that way.

That’s it. Q4 is a doozy, couple of harder decisions on that horizon. ๐ŸŒธ


Doing it different since 1981.