Weeknotes – Week 52

Obsidian 💜

  • Obsidian Mermaid Everyone is super excited about Canvas right now and rightfully so, but let’s not forget about Mermaid! For those of use who have been using Mermaid charts in our Vaults since it was first supported, this is the plugin you have been waiting for! It does for Mermaid charts what the most popular Obsidian plugin does for Tables. It provides you with a panel on your side bar with a slew of presets, allowing you knock out Mermaid charts with ease. This would also be the go-to plugin for people who want to learn and tinker with Mermaid charts in Obsidian.
  • Carry Forward generates and copies block IDs, and copying lines with a link to the copied line.
    • Copy selection with each line linked as a source
    • Copy selection with first line linked as a source
    • Copy link to line (generate a reference)
    • Copy embed link to line (pastes as an embed)
  • quorafind is at it again!Double Click Tab is a plugin that introduces new default behaviors to double clicking on the tab title area.
    • Close Tab: Close tab when double click on the tab title.
    • Smart Tab: Open the file in new pane when double click on the tab title.
    • Shift + Double Click = Open the file in New Window.
    • Ctrl + Double Click = Open the file in New Pane Vertically.
    • Alt + Double Click = Open the file in New Pane Horizontally.
    • If you don’t hold any key, it will close the tab.
    • Rename File: Rename current file when double click on the tab title.
  • Actions for Obsidian adds over 30 actions for engaging with Obsidian by of Apple Shortcuts. As stated in the video it is the missing link between macOS and Obsidian. Sign up for beta at their site and follow them on Mastodon.
  • Gareth Stretton wrote a great article about how to make your own customizable Obsidian Web Clippers. This is not some workaround, there is deep thought put behind this. Users of the MarkDown browser extension would even benefit from checking this article out.

We spend a lot of time talking about the newest plugins and whatever OpenAI is doing while so many of the established plugins and their changes need more light.

  • Shell Commands This plugin is not new, but it resurfaced itself while poking around in community plugins. Shell commands allows you to run shell commands from within Obsidian. After the holidays breeze over, tinkering with this to find out if I can completely automate my weekly vault backup process of Obsidian is a priority. Less friction = Better. 💜
  • Image Gallery updated which added a lightbox and a button while to go directly to to file in your vault while viewing the image. This makes this plugin useful to me in big ways now.

Searching for a theme

My writing vault has it’s own Style Settings, Minimal Theme Settings and Appearance settings set in such a way that it mimics the look of iA Writer. The fact that this done with the same theme that I use in my primary vault, is the reason my Writing Vault has to exist as it’s own entity. Both use Style Settings and Minimal and so not as easy as issuing the “Switch Theme” command to bounce between the two experiences.

Therefore, I’ve been tinkering with other themes for writing in my Primary Vault. Shimmering Focus is mentioned as an inspiration on the Colorful Tags plugin, and although I do not use the plugin, I really enjoy the passion behind that project. My experience with Obsidian and Minimal is almost synonymous as it has been my primary theme since the earliest days of becoming a vault Overseer. Shimmering Focus was a lot to take it at first, but there is a lot of potential here.

From the Web

  • Make your own simple, public, searchable Twitter archive.
  • In 2023 Mozilla is entering the Fediverse (not the metaverse!) and launching their own Mastodon instance called Mozilla.Social.
  • BookWyrm is just one of several fediversed instances that do what GoodReads does.
  • inventaire means inventory in French. It allows you to catalog your books. It is “Fediversable”. I didn’t make that word up, I saw it here.
  • There is so much going on with Readwise it’s almost hard to keep up. Their changelog is on Notion.
  • Speaking of Notion, they sent out an email named “Notion v2.19” that details how hard at work they have been this year honing their craft.
  • Todoist added a feature that was called for by popular demand. Complete and Start Over You can now reset your sub-tasks whenever you complete the recurring parent task they belong to. Perfect for those daily routines and habit tracking.
    • I used to have my Weekly Reviews as a sort of recurring nested Task but that’s all since been switched over to Obsidian.
  • Did not know Hue was on IFTTT.
  • Good read: Why Would Anyone Use Another Centralized Social Media Service After This?. I’m curious to see what makes of Bluesky.
  • Digital Blasphemy released Arboreal
    • “After creating my new version of “Class M” last week I knew I wanted to create a new version of “Arboreal“.   My first version of “Arboreal” was created nearly 20 years ago, and I tried an update 10 years ago which was OK but, looking back, did not exceed the original.   I feel like this new version, with my traveler taking in the scene, is a much better update and I hope you agree.”
  • Remark looks exciting: ”We’re early, but soon Remark.as will work with any blog or website that speaks common protocols like ActivityPub and Webmentions.”


Control your Hue bulbs with desktop Linux by way of Corluma. In my opinion, the app Hue provides is more than I would ever need. Those holiday presets are out of this world! The thought of having the luxury of issuing a command thru albert to adjust lighting or invoke a scene is tempting.

Veronica Explains Her videos about Linux are packed with knowledge and wholesomeness in equal measure. She does not get the exposure she deserves. One of those channels where you’re puzzled as to why they do not have more subscribers. Odysee maybe?


Another great year of music from SomaFM. This year was dominated heavily by Left Coast 70s, 7-inch Soul, Groove Salad and Lush. Late nights had a new resident in Synphaera. Many other made appearances but those were my mainstays.

Stumbled upon this while searching for something new to listen to while writing. It’s called “A playlist to study until you master every field of Physics” I love the internet for things like this.

A comment by Jack Gerhardt, pinned by Cloudbeat (the channel’s creator) stuck out to me, not just because they pinned it. Because I am super guilty of this.

Satie is Impressionism and late romantic
Bach is late baroque
Debussy is late romantic nearly modern
And Chopin is Romantic
Why is classical used as an overall term when it was a time period. If people start learning the differences and stop using the blanket term “Classical”
I really hope more people start learning how amazing and influential all periods of music are. Because I feel the term classical really turns some people off to the idea of instrumental music

When I added it to Napkin, I had one of those ah-ha moments about Napkin’s power.

Extra Credit

While Elliot tears apart what some of us call home, we remember that it can’t rain all the time.


Doing it different since 1981.