Weeknotes – Week 42

Obsidian 💜

Examples using Templater

More neat mentions:

  • Obsidian Custom Sort: looks promising: Take full control over the order and sorting of folders and notes in File Explorer in Obsidian
  • Floating TOC
  • Obsidian Web – a Chrome-based extension. This is an unofficial Chrome extension for Obsidian that allows you to create or add to existing entries in your notes with information you’ve found online in your browser.
  • nb – a command line and local web note‑taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base application with:

YouTube Links

Obsidian October talks week 3: Use Plugin Settings + Creating theme for Obsidian 1.0

Metadata Menu 0.2.9 – better select and file fields

Is Tana The Right App For You? | Tana VS… (Notion – Roam/Logseq – Obsidian – Todoist)

Looks like Santi has been Tana’d, but I like that he didn’t mention anything about how it took over his Obsidian usage.


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