Weeknotes – Week 50

What a crazy week! Obsidian canvas, Reader by Readwise and more Tana, oh my! Let’s get after it.

Got an invite to Reader by Readwise. Not sure exactly how they want to be addressed. Reader, Reader by Readwise, Readwise Reader. During the onboarding process they mention apps you may have used and if you have that the “switch” wouldn’t be difficult. That was mostly true but Reader approaching this whole thing in a very different way. It’s too early to make any hard statements, but I’ve definitely on my EDL already.

Started toying with OpenAIs Chatbot earlier this week. I had a better conversation with it than I did most of my coworkers. I am frightened for the future. This article called Drowning in AI Generated Garbage is a good read about that.

Metagedit turns gedit into something more like VS Code. VS Code will always have a special place in my heart because they were my sanctuary when I was a nomod after leaving Dynalist and before stumbling upon Obsidian.

The last Sword & Shield Pokémon TCG set is set to be released in 2023. This page lists everything coming out and what’s expected to be inside.

Pulled the trigger on iA Writer on my Macbook. The typerwriter focus mode is so attractive. File > Publish > WordPress or Medium, perfection.

Gave up on Sengi, but it was one of the best desktop clients I tried in the last couple of weeks. Back to a reworked “Advanced View” and the site installed as a PWA on my desktop. Here is their presence on Mastodon.

The Desk is rough on the eyes, but highly functional.

Made.md is making a lot of progress. It has been re-enabled in my test vault and I plan to start tinkering with it more. For me, the setting that allows it to work alongside the traditional file explorer was a big help.

Napkin’s public swarm of Tiago Forte’s Building a Second Brain.

Raycast has invaded my Mac and taken Alfred’s keyboard shortcut and has been set to launch at system startup. Talk about shaking things up! If you haven’t already, give this app a look!

Raycast x Raindrop

Writing on my website more I’ve come to realize how absolute shit the WordPress block editor is when you have a document that takes fifteen minutes to read. The amount of times I added images and they somehow landed at the top of the document made my head spin.

Mark Ayers public notes. This page on Note system guidlines is what brought me here.

Actions URI is making great headway on their endeavors.

Notion is changing their plans up a bit. Does not appear to be anything too dramatic.

Obsidian October Winners have been announced. Congrats to Projects and 🏆

Forest Perry of fpnotes.com. He’s a big Obsidian nerd and only because of my own laziness have I not stumbled upon his work before. His YouTube channel is a good subscription button to hit as well. He’s very excited about Canvas.

Looked into Time Blocking with a mindset of this is what I’m going to do. DDGd “Todoist and Timeblocking” and found an article on the Doist site. But in so doing I also seen a Which productivity method is right for you quiz, which I took. To my surprise, I’m apparently supposed to be Eating Frogs.

Digital Blasphemy released the Misty Mountain (Halo) wallpaper.

One of my favorite digital artists is a photographer by the name of Reuben Wu.   I first noticed him a few years back when he went viral for using drones to light up nighttime landscapes.   His work has a dreamy, otherworldly quality to it that is hard to describe but easy to recognize.   

This years Christmas wallpaper was excellent!

Got access to Anytype.io. Not even sure when toying this is will be possible.

It’s that time of the year to ponder these 40 questions proposed by Stephan Ango.

Marc McElroy Started engaging with this fine soul a couple days ago on PKM.social. He made a great video about his usage of Tana. He has two websites as well: MarkMcElroy.com and MadeByMark.com.

I have met so many great people on Mastodon.


When it comes to listening to holiday music on Christmas Lounge and Department Store Christmas, the “normal” music hits differently than it does during other parts of the year. For one reason or another this year, Deep Space One has been resonating very well at night.


Tana Tour with Maggie Appleton

Shared the Grip6 video in response to a couple articles mentioning Apple’s new plans

While putting the example videos into my Ode to Soma article, I fell down a Zero 7 rabbit hole.

Until next week! ■


Doing it different since 1981.